DRUMMER Magazine

Cover, Masthead, and Contents

as it appeared in Drummer

How to Quote from this Material

Copyright Jack Fritscher, Ph.D. & Mark Hemry - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Issue 30: June 1979

Drummer Issue 30: Cover Drummer Issue 30: Contents

Alternate Publishing

Publisher: John H. Embry

Editor-in-Chief: Jack Fritscher

Art Director: Al Shapiro

Writing by Jack Fritscher in Drummer Issue 30

Fourth Anniversary Issue
Masthead: Jack Fritscher, editor in chief, and contributing writer
Copyright on masthead is incorrectly marked as “1978”
8 Pieces of Writing by Fritscher
1 Photograph (Front Cover Portrait) by Fritscher and Sparrow dba “David Sparrow Photography”
1 Story (Mr. Benson by John Preston) edited, serialized, and produced by Fritscher

Val Martin and Bob Hyslop,”
1 Photograph (Front Cover Portrait)
by Fritscher and Sparrow dba “David Sparrow Photography”

Contents Page,”
one liners

Tit Torture Blues,”
pp. 10-18, feature article

Meditations on Arthur Tress,”
pp. 22-25, four poems for four Tress photographs:
“Code 1: Gifts of Nature,” “Code 2: Black Boy,”
“Code 3: Sebastiane,” and “Code 4: Confession de Kafka Caca”

Mr. Benson
pp. 26-31, Part Two of a novel written by John Preston;
edited, serialized, and produced by Fritscher

Zeus Men In Bondage: Introducing a New Studio,”
p. 48, centerfold copy, produced and written by Fritscher

The Brothel Hotel,”
pp. 63-64, feature review

Tough Shit,”
p. 72, feature column created, collected, and produced by Fritscher
included two original essays by Fritscher, “Bloody ‘Marys’ at Elephant Walk”
and “How Relaxed Can Straights Get?”

Tough Customers,”
p. 74-75, feature column created, collected, and edited by Fritscher

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Copyright Jack Fritscher, Ph.D. & Mark Hemry - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
