Jack Fritscher

The Life and Times of the Legendary

Saluting the 50th Anniversary of
The Leatherman's Handbook

The Life and Times of the Legendary Larry Townsend: front cover

NYC Big Book Award - Gold
Independent Press Award - Gold
Independent Publisher Book Award - Bronze


216 pages
82 Illustrations
ISBN Print: 9781890834999
ISBN Epub: 9781890834531
LCCN: 2021939197

Publication Date: July 29, 2022

Front Cover

Back Cover


Review Comments: Dave Rhodes, Durk Dehner, Peter Fiske, Owen Keehnen, Thor Stockman, Ian Young, Nayland Blake, Hank Trout, Lester Strong, Ron Suresha, August Bernadicou

Full Reviews

Reviews by Amos Lassen (pdf) -

Bay Area Reporter by Michael Flanagan (pdf) -

How to Quote from this Material

Copyright Jack Fritscher, Ph.D. & Mark Hemry - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

READ THE BOOK FREE AS PDF, Text, or Flipbook
Frontis PDF
1. Thirteen Years after Larry PDF Text Flip
2. An Origin Story PDF Text Flip
3. Preppie, Sergeant, Sex Tourist, Leatherman PDF Text Flip
4. First Gay Writers Summit, San Francisco 1970 PDF Text Flip
5. The Name Game PDF Text Flip
6. Coming Out Twice PDF Text Flip
7. Larry’s Golden Age: Stonewall to AIDS PDF Text Flip
8. Loud Gay Silence PDF Text Flip
9. One-Handed Reading: Erotica or Porn? PDF Text Flip
10. A 10-Inch Pound of Flesh PDF Text Flip
11. Blacklists and Grudge Matches to the Death PDF Text Flip
12. The Conservative Dilemma PDF Text Flip
13. Hanged, Drawn, and (French) Quartered PDF Text Flip
14. Jeanne Barney PDF Text Flip
15. Larry’s “Leather Wife” PDF Text Flip
16. Litigious Larry: Is a Lawsuit Harassment? PDF Text Flip
17. Coming Out in 1950s Los Angeles PDF Text Flip
18. Townsend and Embry Rivalry PDF Text Flip
19. Sex Perversion, Fellatio, and Entrapment PDF Text Flip
20. Lifelong Community Volunteer PDF Text Flip
21. He Who Dies with the Most Column Inches Wins! PDF Text Flip
22. The King Lear of Leather PDF Text Flip
23. Author Declares War on Bookstores PDF Text Flip
24. Suddenly That Summer: June and July 2008 PDF Text Flip
25. Last Brunch at Casa Del Mar Santa Monica PDF Text Flip
26. The Email Letter: Drop That Lawsuit! PDF Text Flip
27. The Passion and Death of Larry Townsend PDF Text Flip
28. From The Drummer Salon to Honcho PDF Text Flip
29. A Montage Recap PDF Text Flip
30. The Townsend-Yerkes House PDF Text Flip
Illustrations PDF Flip
