DRUMMER Magazine

by Jack Fritscher

How to Quote from this Material

Copyright Jack Fritscher, Ph.D. & Mark Hemry - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Drummer 23, July 1978

[The importance of gay magazine culture]

Submit to Drummer
The American Magazine of
Gay Popular Culture
by Jack Fritscher

This "Submit to Drummer" in PDF

Author's historical introduction

Actual editorial as published



Written March 23, 1978, and published in Drummer 23, July 1978. I wrote this call (plus a second, personal call) for readers to become writers, photographers, and artists reflecting themselves so that Drummer would receive voices from all across the world and from all different kinds of men revealing a gay and masculine point of view. Also in this Drummer 23, July 1978, on page 72, I ran the first notice of my service tutoring writers, both because I was teaching writing at university level, and because I wanted to develop writers who could help me fill Drummer’s pages. Among the many who responded are some now rather well known names: Tony DeBlase, who ended up actually owning Drummer eight years later, John Preston, and a couple others who would not appreciate at this moment being revealed. –JF, 1 July 2002

The editorial was written in May, 1978,
and published in Drummer 23, July 1978

[The importance of gay magazine culture]

Submit to Drummer
The American Magazine of
Gay Popular Culture
by Jack Fritscher


Sold any lately? Pro-writer/editor/agent thoroughly critiques your poetry, fiction, articles, scripts! Erotic or straight. Novice writers also welcome. Send self-addressed stamped envelope for very reasonable rates and totally professional advice. WRITER’S AID. 4436 25th Street, San Francisco CA 94114

Want to go down in history? Drummer pays competitive rates for your photos, artwork, first-person articles, and fiction. Your submissions to Drummer, “The American Magazine of Gay Popular Culture,” are always welcome. Feature articles average 2,000 words up to 4,000. Short stories run around 2,000 words; longer book-length manuscripts are acceptable for serialization. Photography and/or artwork that illustrates your article or story is a definite plus. Always type and double space your manuscripts.

Drummer especially encourages single photographs as well as photo spreads of up to 20 shots on any matter of your choice. We prefer black-and-white prints, but color transparencies are acceptable and are reviewed for possible cover use.

Drummer will take prudent care of your submissions, but-cannot be responsible for their loss. (Wise writers retain a xerox of their materials.) Always enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope for prompt return of your unused work.

FOR Drummer’S NEW READERS’ SECTION “TOUGH CUSTOMERS”: Drummer pays $10 for each black-and-white photo accepted for publication from our readers. Submit whatever leather, western, uniform, jock, fetish, nude, fantasy, sports, etc. photos you like. For return of unused photos, include a sufficiently stamped self-addressed return envelope.


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Copyright Jack Fritscher, Ph.D. & Mark Hemry - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
