Jack Fritscher: "The catechizing subculture of the Catholic press prefigured the publication ghetto of the aggressive gay press. In fact, the tabloid-size Josephinum Review introduced hands to the tabloid-size porno magazines (like The Advocate) as much as the small magazines published by virtually secret orders of religious brothers paralleled the early physique 'zines (1940s) which were the first gay 'zines (1950s) precisely like Kris Studios of Chicago and Bob Mizer's Physique Pictorial of Los Angeles. When we created our 'zine MAN2MAN in 1979 the erotic formula was familiar from previous form and content design and writing in the Catholic press. Catholic or gay, the texts and subtexts of both genres feature worship and humility, political action and social consciousness, martyrs and saviors to die for. I didn't even know what homosexuality was when I wrote for the Catholic press writing all those overheated stories about martyrs and James Dean and shooting some really hot photographs of ideal young men. I cut my gay journalistic teeth on Catholic magazines. Admit it: both genres are about conversion!" --December 27, 1996

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