DRUMMER Magazine

by Jack Fritscher

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Copyright Jack Fritscher, Ph.D. & Mark Hemry - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Drummer 22, May 1978

Drummer Exists Because Necessity Is the Motherfucker of Invention...

Your Second Coming Out
–into Masculinity

by Jack Fritscher

"The Drummer Experince: Your Second Coming Out-into Masculinity" in pdf

Author's historical introduction

Actual editorial as published


The editorial was written in March, 1978,
and published in Drummer 22, May 1978

Drummer Exists Because Necessity Is the Motherfucker of Invention...

Your Second Coming Out
–into Masculinity

by Jack Fritscher

ATTITUDE BEGETS ATTITUDE. And Drummer is a specialty mag requiring some understanding. Drummer is a sophisticated bag of fantasy and reality. Our articles and fiction assume a certain posture. Drummer gives guys reflections of themselves not to be found elsewhere. Drummer dares to show and tell things some guys only jerk off to when alone with their popper late at night. This kind of truth often scares the shit out of missionary-position vanilla gays whose Super-egos are afraid of their Id.


Drummer is the stuff dark dreams are made of: perfect men of perfect dominance commanding men in compliant situations. To the unsophisticated queen, “The Drummer Experience” [as opposed to the castrating “The Advocate Experience”] appears as violent as rape. To men with sense, Drummer clearly reflects sexual encounters, even therapy, between consenting adults. What freaks the blue-balled out is their inability to distinguish real violence from the ritual of ruff-n-tumble sex. Censors always attack outside themselves what they find most frightening in their own souls. Guys who are scared of Drummer are perhaps frightened that given the right time with the right man in the right place they might, in fact, consent to realizing in bed the never-do-nothin’-nice-n-easy fantasies that lurk in their most secret heart of hearts.


Drummer is about Daddies. Drummer is about Saviors. Drummer is about the daring Animus of the human spirit. Drummer is about finding the apt projection of that part of one’s own self that will control and discipline self the way only self can. Only on the literal surface is Drummer about DI’s, rapacious bikers, and aggressive bodybuilder coaches who make you do push-ups until you eat their shorts. Underneath, Drummer is about needs the self can fulfill only by disciplining itself. The fact you can jerk off to Drummer’s words and music is the sugar that helps this psychological sorting go down.


Surprise! You’re gonna come out twice. Drummer is for men who are having or have had their Second Coming Out. The First Coming Out is easy. A young guy comes out into his genitalia, usually in his late teens or early twenties. Lots of guys think that’s it: now they’re grown up sexually. Drummer doesn’t think so. We know the kicker: the surprise of the Second Coming Out that goes beyond cock and ass.

The Second Coming Out usually happens in the late twenties or early thirties, and is a trip of total body sensuality. A grown-up man finds there is more to sex than his crotch. His total body makes erotic demands to play and to please itself in true S&M–Sensuality and Mutuality–with other men.

Drummer is a mag for men of the Second Coming. Drummer is not for ordinary playguys in touch with Christopher Street honchos. Drummer is a reality statement for men of sophisticated sensuality. Sure, we have a lot of attitude about our attitude. If Drummer did not exist, we would have to be invented. Drummer feeds your appetite.

And nobody feeds you better!

©1978, 2003 Jack Fritscher

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Copyright Jack Fritscher, Ph.D. & Mark Hemry - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
